Why is winter the perfect time for plastic surgery?

by Esha

The temperature has dropped, the summer wardrobe is on hiatus, and the heating bill is, well, let’s not focus on that. Before we bid farewell to the winter chill, there are a lot of reasons why this time of year is the best time for plastic surgery procedures.

Flexible Vacation Time 

Most of our vacation time is spent relaxing at the Bach over summer, but it can also be hard requesting leave during the peak of holiday season. Take advantage of the winter season and treat yourself to a procedure that’s been on your wish-list.

Comfy recovery

Post-procedure, you will be required to wear special compression garments – depending on the surgery – to help reduce swelling and help you heal. Being stuck in the heat of summer isn’t where anyone wants to be while they try to heal. Winter, on the other hand, recovery can be more relaxed and comfier for all.

A bonus for those with children; the holidays are shorter, which allows you to rest easy during the day.

Winter wardrobe Camouflage

A perk of winter surgeries, is that winter trends often lean towards comfort & layers. Think – matching track pants & baggy sweaters, blankets & oversized coats. Not only will you feel comfy and cosy during recovery, but a winter wardrobe will help conceal any swelling or bruising you may experience. Post-procedure compression garments are also easily hidden under long clothing and layers.

Summer Results

Possibly the reason most opt for a winter surgery is to be ready for the summer break. You’ll have plenty of time to heal and get back on your feet over winter that, come summer you will be prepared to show off your results just in time for lazy days at the beach, or by the pool.

It can take from between a few weeks to 6 months to see results post plastic surgery. During the first few weeks of recovery you’ll have to stay out of the sun and avoid swimming, so going under the knife in winter means you won’t miss out on any of the fun.

Prepare early for the onslaught of summer BBQ’s, weddings and events by preparing for your procedure early, kicking off great summer habits to stay in shape and keep healthy.

Words: Georgia Rose                                                                                                                                                Images: Pinterest 

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