The COVID crisis has an unexpected surprise – a Boom in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

by Esha

The COVID crisis has caused an unexpected cosmetic surgery boom in Australia and around the world. Surgeons in Australia, Estonia, UK and USA have reported a boom in enquiries and surgery.

Public lockdown and working from home are providing an unexpected bonus for people interested in having cosmetic surgery. Now they have both the time and financial ability to be able to have the surgery they have been thinking about.

Many people have waited years for the perfect time to have surgery. Patients with business and family commitments have the money but find it harder to take time off for surgery. For others, life priorities like family holidays and events have, in the past, consumed their discretionary spend. Many patients now have time to recover after surgery, and money to spend on surgery instead of a holiday.

Which cosmetic treatments are most popular during the COVID Pandemic?

Non-Surgical treatments like Injectables and Laser Facial Rejuvenation – Resurfacing with Fraxel have been very popular. Cosmetic Smile Dentistry is also in demand. Some patients have decided to do more than just a quick fix during the lockdown and hence the boom in plastic surgery.

Online statistics show the cosmetic surgery boom is worldwide

Google Trends shows an upswing in searches for cosmetic surgery keywords – injectables, breast augmentation and nose job.
Plastic surgeon website visitation is up according to Semrush – Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery website visitation has doubled since before the crisis.
The number of surgery enquiries have also doubled since last year and are up 40% from just before the crisis.

What plastic and cosmetic surgeries are being requested during COVID-19? 

All cosmetic and rejuvenation plastic surgeries have had strong demand around Australia and the World recently.
Particularly facial surgery and combined surgical procedures with longer recovery downtimes.

  1. NOSE – Nose Job / Rhinoplasty / Septoplasty Surgery and Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
  2. EYES – Eyelid Lifts for droopy eyelids
  3. FACES – Facelifts, Neck lifts, Chin Augmentation, Double Chin Removal
  4. BREAST/TUMMY – Breast and Tummy Surgery
  5. LIPOSUCTION AND BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT – More cosmetic surgeon than a plastic surgeon
  6. POST WEIGHT LOSS SURGERIES – Excess Skin Removal – Post Massive Weight Loss

These are NOT just Cosmetic Surgeries like Breast Augmentation or non-surgical Injectables, this is Medicare-rebateable reconstructive surgery. Like Breast Reduction after pregnancy or Bodylift after massive weight loss. Medicare rebates for surgical functional repairs like Nose Breathing issues and drooping eyelids that obscure vision are also in demand.

Why are so many patients wanting surgery during the COVID Crisis? 

The main reasons patients delay surgery is having the money and the time – being able to arrange leave from work. Many now have the time and money to do something they have been putting off for years.
Some patients report having waited 10 years to organise their surgery.

Why is there a boom in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery?

The reasons for the cosmetic and reconstructive surgery boom are a combination of factors including:

  1. Patients that were on lists at the start of the crisis in April and May had their surgery postponed when elective surgery was cancelled
  2. Patients can more easily rest and recover at home and are able to work from home
  3. Some patients can’t go overseas for medical tourism – they must have surgery locally
  4. The rise of zoom Meetings and spending hours looking at yourself on a big screen has created ‘Zoom Face Envy’. Bad lighting, poor camera angles and no makeup have made some facial imperfections more obvious.
  5. Patients are spending money on Surgery instead of Holidays – they can’t go overseas or interstate

In a digitally transforming world, many older Australians want to feel younger and more confident in the new normal. It’s a repeat of the SELFIE trend that caused cosmetic surgery to boom 5-10 years ago. Now it’s the COVID Lockdown Surgery Boom. Many older patients feel that now is a good time to have rejuvenation or enhancement surgery done to improve their employment prospects.
NOTE – Some people have speculated that the surgery boom is related to the $10k Super drawdown, but this is less likely as there is overseas surgery boom as well.

Words: David Staughton                                                                                                                                          Images: Supplied

This article was originally published on Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery

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